Fellow vegan here (since Dec. 2020). I went vegetarian in 2016, and during the lockdown of 2020, my wife and I decided to go all in on being vegan after our daughter, who is also vegan, stayed with us for a month before she moved to Brooklyn. While staying with us, she chose to become our personal cook, in her efforts, to get us to move completely over to the green side. Nearly four years later, there's no going back, and neither of us craves anything.

In that time, vegan cheeses and yogurts have definitely gotten better, but to be honest, I rarely eat either. We do sometimes put vegan feta in a lentil salad, and if we have a cashew yogurt we bought for another recipe, we may use it in a smoothie, but I honestly can't remember the last time we bought vegan yogurt. The biggest difference between a dairy cheese such as a smelly French soft cheese or a Blue Stilton and its vegan option is that the dairy cheese explodes in the back of your tastebuds, while the vegan is more upfront in the palette. It's the only way I can describe it. Not bad, just different, and I certainly don't crave or miss dairy cheese.

We also enjoy cooking and eating fresh food. As we came to veganism as vegetarians, we had already made that transition from meat, and we very rarely ever eat vegan meats (other than tofu and tempeh, which don't really count as "meat").

We are also very fortunate to live in one of the best cities in the US for vegans (Portland, OR). But, thanks to apps like Happy Cow, which I am sure you are well aware of, we had no problem finding vegan restaurants in Peru and Turkey, both countries that like their meat. There are also many wonderful vegan cookbooks that we have enjoyed discovering and benefiting from! 

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Thanks for stopping by and for these wonderful words!

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